Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Seven feelings


     An author by the name of Dan Josefson made a visit to a Garden City college campus by the name of Nassau Community College. He was invited to do a reading in which he discussed his new novel entitled That’s Not A Feeling. A tall introverted man stood in front of his audience and began to speak very low and quietly. An onlooker could observe from his demeanor he was not officially comfortable with speaking out to a group of college students. However, as time went on he was more comfortable with the idea of speaking aloud to his spectators. If you are an individual who enjoys reading books that are relevant and relatable, I would recommend you read this particular book selection.
            A “therapeutic boarding school” is what Author Dan Josefson describes the main setting of where his novel takes place. A place for unruly students who were previous kicked out of a school. He opens up with giving listeners an excerpt from the beginning of the novel to the ending of the novel. The first snippet goes into detail about the first encounter with the current students of the boarding school and a particularly new student. The students are outside going around the circle introducing one another and describing the events that led up to their acceptance into such a school. You can distinctively recognize the rising action and the falling action when the person in charge of the school becomes sick and starts to lose hope in his empire that he built.

The language of the few excerpts were plain enough for a basic reader to understand but still painted a picture of the actual scene in your mind. It is a language that sounds relatable to teens that are troubled and adults trying to understand them. This novel is timeless since the world will always be filled with rebellious teenagers looking for a place to fit in.
At the end of the reading, Josefson answered questions that related to his process of writing. He told the audience it took an overall of six years to publish his book from start to finish (Josefson). This time period is evident when listening to passages from the novel because you can hear strategic details that complement each other. He also explains that his inspiration for the book came from his past experience working at a boarding school.
Being a listener at an organized reading like this is an interesting task, you are able to listen to an author whose spend years working on a book that has a couple hundred pages to show for it.  Dan Josefson is a regular humble individual. This showed me that anyone can have an idea, turn it into a book and publish it as long as you have the ambition to do so.
Work Cited
Josefson, Dan. "That’s Not A Feeling" Nassau Community College. Library, Garden City, NY.                          29 October 2014. Keynote reading.     

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