is an ever changing development. In “Why Digital Is better Than Print,” Dan
Blank describes the evolving epidemic of digital and how it makes reading a
whole lot easier to obtain. He does, however, express his love for paper but
has recently realized digital may be more convenient. Blank states, “this is
one of the many things that search engines have given us-the ability to dive
deep into the archives of all media to pull up relevant results the moment you
need it”(Blank). Today’s generation would agree, many times print is only
relevant during the “here and now” but with digital a person is able to go back
in history as far as the prehistoric times.
Blank argues that “digital is green”. Digital does not harbor a lot of space and it does not waste a lot of paper like print often does. Once someone is done reading the magazine article, or newspaper article it goes directly into the trash. Most times the articles are not recycled and it becomes an unwanted piece of paper. In more recent times, magazines and newspapers are being read on more suitable mobile devices.
Digital is constantly changing while print stays consistent. Inventors are finding new ways to make digital faster and more innovative. Digital draws more people to choosing the faster, more convenient route over print in most cases. “Once you digitize something, you unleash a world of possibilities. No longer to one medium, it can morph, evolve, be segment or expanded, be updated, be aggregated, be hyperlinked, and mashed up”. Blank describes how digital can take upon any form while print stays the same over time.
When connecting with people blank suggest “As we find personal connection more and more in digital realm, the reasons for avoiding it will slip away” (blank). People are able to communicate with distant relatives and friends through the internet instead of hand written letters. People can instantly receive messages from someone instead of waiting several days for it to be delivered in the mail. While connecting with people someone knows is grand, people can also use the internet to share an opinion they want to express. A person does not have to work in an editorial office to have an opinion but simply a mind and the ability to type.
one should dictate how an individual should read, write or spend their free
time. Whether it’s through the use of paper or digital all that matters is
what’s more convenient for that person. As the world is changing and become
more digital leaving print in the dust it only makes sense that more and more
people gravitate to technology over print.
Work Cited
Blank, Dan. “Why Digital Is Better Than Print.” I Feel Fine: How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love The Web. n. p. 5 August 2000. web. 27 October 2014